Monday, December 27, 2010

I hope you got everything you wanted this Christmas

I innocently decide to check my Twitter one morning and end up being not innocent at all. I see this: 
@philyhusband's latest Twitter profile pic

Good god, Phil. Why did you decide to go as Top Gun for your Christmas costume party? Why did you decide to wear the one thing that makes the most ordinary-looking man into a handsome being? We're trying to get over you so please don't make it hard for us. Applying the same "mistake" on James doubles the damage. You've successfully turned yourselves into gods, as if you weren't to begin with, and managed to make our Christmases anything but pure.

Ironically, you had a very white one.

Phil looks adorably excited


Phil sports the most adorable unibrow in the world

Phil is not over his singing days, and James is in on it too.

In a tweet Phil said he got everything he wanted. Well, he hasn't seen me yet. ;D
But seriously, that was a good move, Phil and James, just keep them coming.


  1. this is really funny. where did you get the rest of the xmas party photos? from his twitter also?

    Thanks! Keep doing what you do! You are making a lot of football fans happy! :)

  2. Yeah, I also wonder where you got their party pics. But why did you cropped out their 9-y/o sister? She's so cute, and also looks like Phil (more than James). I think she's the one who picks the lucky question that Phil will answer.

  3. James has a fairly public account in a particular social network...
    It was only some time before my stalking habit found the pictures. I made it a point not to include anyone but the footballers though. ;)

  4. No, Philip doesn't have a wife. In fact he's looking out for his "perfect girl." ;)

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